Personal Data Protection Inspector participated in “The Stockholm Internet Forum”

2014-05-27 13:36:36

“Stockholm Internet Forum 2014” took place on May, 27-28 in Stockholm. The main topic of the Forum was the “Internet- Privacy protection, transparency, surveillance and control”.

The issues of the transparency and openness of the internet, rule of law, economic growth, safety and security were discussed on the Forum. The privacy protection in terms of technological progress – as one of the important challenges of the modern world will also be discussed during the forum. The organisers of the Forum mentioned that “with the map of internet privacy redrawn, continuing a constructive discussion on privacy as a key part of internet freedom is more important than ever before.”

The Forum was organized by the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and representatives of the 91 countries participated in it, including the representatives of the public, private and civil sector, leading organizations in the sphere of the human rights and technologies such as Human Rights Watch, Google, Eriksson, etc.

Personal Data Protection Inspector of Georgia, Mrs. Tamar Kaldani, attended the meeting with the invitation of the International Development and Cooperation Agency of Sweden. Mrs. Kaldani shared experience of Georgia with regard of the personal data protection, focused on challenges and the steps made by the country in the area.

The “Stockholm Internet Forum” was first held in 2012. Respect of human rights, innovation and global development are the main messages of the conference.