The cabinet of ministers approved the draft amendments aiming to achieve high standards of personal data protection in Georgia

2014-05-13 13:34:27

On May 8, 2014 the Cabinet of Ministers approved the draft Amendments to the law on “Personal Data Protection”.

Draft Amendments will enhance the current legislation and establish high standards of personal data protection. Amendments ensure the efficient functioning of the supervisory authority towards public and private sectors and development of sustainable and efficient mechanisms based on the protection of human rights.

Under the draft Amendments restricted regulations are foreseen regarding the processing of genetic data, information on administrative detention, use of the restrictive measures, conclusion of plea agreement, diversion and recognition of a person as the victim the crime.

The draft Law enhances the direct marketing regulations foreseeing efficient and easy opt-out mechanism. In addition, the Amendments relate to the conducting video surveillance in the public transport and public places (such as parks and squares) and trans-border data flows.

In November 2013 the special working group comprising representatives of the Parliament, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs, State Chancellery and non-governmental organizations was created with initiative of the Personal Data Protection Inspector. The aim of the WG was to harmonize the national data protection legislation with best international and European standards and support to the implementation of EU visa liberalization Action Plan.