The Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspector Provides Trainings on Data Protection for the Public Officials

2014-04-28 13:32:28

One of the main directions of the Office of the Personal Data Protection Inspectors is to raise public awareness and to conduct educational activities related to the personal data protection issues. The Office fruitfully cooperates with the number of public bodies. The Memorandums of Understanding were signed with the Training Center of Justice and Academy of the Ministry of the Internal Affairs.

Within the scope of the MOUs numerous trainings were conducted. In February 2014 trainings were held for the Ministry of Internal Affairs employees; in March 2014 training of the employees of the National Archive of Georgia took place. Furthermore, Personal Data Protection is incorporated in the Labour Code and Administrative Code training course conducted within the Training Center of Justice.

Currently, the specific training on Personal Data Protection in Consular Relations takes place for the employees of Ministry of Foreign Affairs in cooperation with the Training Center of the Ministry.

Personal Data Protection Trainings cover issues such as principles of data processing, legitimacy of data processing, databases, video surveillance, processing of biometric data and etc.