Personal Data Protection Inspector has Presented Report on the State of Personal Data Protection in Georgia to the Public and Media

2014-03-19 13:29:15

On March 19, the first report on the state of personal data protection in Georgia was presented to the public and Media in the "Radisson Blu Iveria” Hotel.

Personal Data Protection Inspector, Mrs. Tamar Kaldani spoke about major challenges and deep-rooted systemic problems emphasized in report, namely: processing of disproportionately large amount of data without the legal grounds, illegal disclosure of personal information, failure to meet legal requirements related to video surveillance, neglecting the citizens’ rights during direct marketing, etc.

Mrs. Tamar Kaldani also focused on the recommendations given to the government of Georgia,in order to ensure personal data protection.

“The Law of Georgia on Personal Data Protection should be modified in a way to be in full compliance with the European standards.” – said Personal Data Protection Inspector.

After the presentation, the floor was open to the questions and discussion.