A recommendation on the Personal Data Protection Officer has been published

2024-02-13 12:32:36

In the process of implementation of the new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection", the Service continues to publish the guidelines and recommendations regarding legislative innovations. The recommendations aim, among other things, by referring to specific practical examples, to analyze the legal provision so that the relevant responsible entities fully understand the essence and scope of the obligations assigned to them.

We share with you the recommendation that the Personal Data Protection Service of Georgia has developed about the Personal Data Protection Officer.

The new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection", similar to the " General Data Protection Regulation" of the European Union, establishes the obligation to appoint or define a personal data protection officer in public institutions and private organizations, establishes the concept of an officer and regulates other basic issues related to it. The mentioned recommendation explains the institutional role of the personal data protection officer, the mandatory criteria and rules for his appointment or determination, defines the functions of the officer, the main principles of his activity, as well as discusses the issue of the officer's responsibility and cases of recall.

The mentioned recommendations serve to clarify the norms of the new law of Georgia "On Personal Data Protection", promote the establishment of best practices, it does not represent a legal act, and it is of a recommendatory nature and does not give rise to additional rights and obligations.

The guideline welcomes suggestions, input, and will undergo periodic updates.

Please send suggestions and comments to the following e-mail address: Guideline@pdps.ge

See the recommendation to the Personal Data Protection Officer newadmin.personaldata.ge

See the already published recommendation on the implementation of measures related to the incident https://bit.ly/3SUg08g