State Inspector’s decision -Checking the legality of personal data processing by a financial organization

2021-02-11 12:39:57

The State Inspector’s Service starts publishing decisions on problematic and topical issues to the public in a new format.

The publication of the decisions of the State Inspector’s Service in this form is aimed at raising public awareness on the issues of personal data protection and preventing the facts of illegal processing of personal data. The published decisions will significantly help both private and public organizations, as the document includes recommendations to prevent similar violations.

The decision of the State Inspector concerns the illegal processing of personal data by one of the financial organizations. The State Inspector's Service is often referred to by citizens who point to a systematic telephone connection with a financial institution in connection with a loan taken by someone else. The first decision was chosen taking into account the urgency of the issue.

The publication of decisions and recommendations by the State Inspector’s Service will continue actively.


Download file: Checking the legality of personal data processing by a financial organization